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Need some peace and quiet? Consider soundproof windows

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Had enough of outside noise? Noise-reducing windows could be the solution you need.

Imagine a peaceful morning at home, minus the neighbourhood noise. In short, a serene environment. Thanks to soundproof windows, this could be your reality and considerably improved wellbeing. 

Whether it’s the roar of cars and trucks, construction work, barking dogs or your next-door neighbours’ conversation over dinner, sound pollution is never pleasant. And unless you live at the end of a countryside cul-de-sac, outside noise can be a disturbance in your daily life, even when your windows are closed. 

Inevitably, any window or door opening will let noise in. And even though it’s unrealistic to hope for total silence, specially designed windows can slow down the passage of sound waves, thus making them less audible.

By using several layers of glass and optimizing their placement, windows can appreciably reduce the volume of sounds entering your home.

Thanks to soundproof windows, your neighbours mowing their lawn will be less likely to intrude upon your peace and quiet.

Double or triple panes: the key to better sound damping 

Our foremost tip is to replace your old windows with double or triple pane models. Double and triple pane windows and equipped with 2 or 3 glass panels, which help to reduce noise without cancelling it out completely. 

Each additional layer of glass plays a crucial role in absorbing and reflecting sound waves. This means that adding a third pane of glass reinforces the soundproofing effect. 

Varied glass thickness for optimal performance

Certain sound frequencies are deep, others are high. By using glass panes of various thicknesses, windows are equipped to muffle a wider range of frequencies. 

Here at Magistral, we produce soundproof windows by assembling glass panes of various thicknesses. Additionally, we leave just the right amount of space between said panels for optimal sound reduction. 

Enjoying your home while leaving the outside… outside. Isn’t that the dream of every homeowner?

Installation, a crucial factor in sound reduction

All of our materials are carefully selected to guarantee the best possible performance, including our dividers, which are the metal frames that hold the panels together, as well as our high-quality weatherstripping. It’s important to know, in spite of all this, that even the best soundproofing windows cannot reach their full potential unless they’re correctly installed. 

Professional installation guarantees watertightness and prevents undesired sounds from infiltrating. Thankfully, Magistral’s team possesses all of the knowledge and experience required for immaculate window installation.

Magistral – for guaranteed peace of mind

Designing noise-reducing windows is not for novices. Several factors must be taken into account, which means that for the best possible results, you need to choose a team of experts. 

Our specialists analyze the location of each opening as well as your specific needs in order to provide custom solutions. When it comes to selecting materials, configuring and installing windows, we make sure that each aspect contributes to improving your wellbeing.

To find out how our windows can transform your home into a haven of peace and quiet, contact the specialists over at Magistral today.